

· Purchase a burial space $1,500 per lot (includes $500 perpetual care fees)

· Purchase a cremation burial space $500 per lot (includes $100 perpetual care fees)

· Casket burial $1,150 (includes grave opening and closing, grading, seeding, and burial oversight)

· Burial of urn/ashes $400 (includes grave opening and closing, grading, seeding, and burial oversight)

· Transfer deed of already-owned burial space $50

A portion of fees for the sale of a burial space are set aside in an interest-bearing account for perpetual care and the interest earned is used for maintenance of the cemetery grounds, buildings, roads, historic gravestone repairs, etc.

Prices are subject to change. Please contact the cemetery directly for a current fee schedule.



The cemetery does not buy back burial spaces. However, we may be able to assist you in finding a potential buyer or seller. Contact us if you would like to add your name to our list.

The cemetery fee is $50 for transferring the deed to the new owner. Please provide to the cemetery the seller’s deed and the cemetery will manage the transfer process to ensure that all legal requirements are met.

The sale price is determined by the seller, not the cemetery.